martedì 31 maggio 2011

Training guide f.a.q.

F.A.Q. "Frequently Asked Questions"

Why should I choose a training collar?

At first glance the method of training with an electric collar could seem harsh and cruel, but consider what could happen to a dog chasing a cat down the middle of a busy street? Or a dog that runs out of the house or garden gate at full speed and runs headlong into the street?

Or a dog that barks excessively for no reason? Thus disturbing you and/or your neighbors, maybe even causing legal problems?

So it is clear that in order to avoid certain dangerous situations we must train or teach obedience to our four legged friends in the best possible way, but unfortunately if we do not have sufficient influence over the dog or if the dog is too strong willed and rebellious then we may be unable to achieve the desired results.
Therefore, in these cases, the application of a slight and brief correction is necessary in order to avoid much more serious problems.

Electric Collars

Why do electric collars work better than other traditional training methods?

Electricity is feared innately and above all other phenomena (such as fire) by all mammals and specifically by dogs.
Just think of the fact that most dogs, even the bravest dogs who are not afraid of anything or anyone, are overcome by fear during storms with lightening and thunderbolts. The natural conclusion is, therefore, that because the dog has an absolute fear of this phenomenon he will respect it unconditionally. In fact, by making careful and appropriate use of this strong and unique deterrent, we can obtain unhoped for results in training our friends, making them obedient and safe for themselves and those around them.
There are three other factors that make this method of training unique:
  1. because, thanks to the hand-held remote control, we can encourage and correct behavior at a distance and therefore in real time (the moment the dog misbehaves rather than later, after he has already misbehaved and time has elapsed).
  2. because the dog does not associate the punishment with the owner. This is very important because, for this reason, the dog does not loose confidence in the owner.
  3. because we can intervene and correct behavior even when the dog is hundreds of meters away.

Is it bad for the dog’s health?

A correct use of the collar does not harm the dog’s health. For example, a medium level of stimulation is comparable to the small shock that all of us have experienced when grasping the car door handle while getting out of a car.
Therefore it is an insignificant irritation, that causes only a slight annoyance but serves as an excellent deterrent when needed.

Wouldn’t it be better to use a collar that sprays chemical products?

Training collars that release and spray chemical products such as citronella in the nose, eyes and muzzle are available on the market. Because these products have an unpleasant odor, they are meant to discourage undesirable behavior
The major problems caused by the use of these products are::
  • increased tolerance after a few days of use, therefore the chemical product no longer function as a deterrent
  • poisoning and irritation of the respiratory, visual and olfactory systems
  • impracticality, because in most cases the products are cumbersome and difficult to use.

Therefore the best way to make our friend obedient and safe, is to train him with a high-quality Innotek product.

No-Bark Collar

Will the collar stays on the dog’s neck?

Normally, this is not necessary, except in extreme cases, with subjects that are very stubborn and rebellious. In situations of this type it is recommended to substitute and alternate the use of the “real” collar with a “fake”. This is normally sufficient to achieve the desired result and prevents the real collar from wearing out more quickly.
In less extreme situations one or two days of training are sufficient to calm the dog.

Will the dog stop barking if I use this collar?

There is absolutely no need to worry about that!
In fact, the collar should always be associated with the same environment, for example putting the collar on our friend so that he doesn’t bark in the car, home, garage, garden or other locations. So you can rest assured that the dog will no longer bark in the specific locations where, with the use of the collar, he learns to be quiet.
For example, when you take your dog for a walk in the park, he expresses his joy with a loud bow-wow..

Does the electrical impulse harm the dog?

Categorically no!
In fact, it is recommended by the best veterinarians.
As we have already said the collar has seven settings. When the collar is set to a medium level, for example level 3, the dog receives a correction with an intensity comparable to the shock that each one of us has received touching the door handle when getting out of a car. This correction, therefore, doesn’t cause any harm, just a brief annoyance.
Obviously it is not recommended to use the collar on puppies less than 5 months old.

Does the collar have safety measures?

Of course, in the unlikely event that the collar blocks, an internal device automatically stops the electrical impulses after 10 seconds.

Therefore the best way to make our friend obedient and safe, is to train him with a high-quality  product.


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